
The Home provides care services for up to 61 people, both male and female clients.
Across Apple House and Cherry House there are 5 lounges and 3 dining rooms. We also have a conservatory surrounded by very pleasant gardens. There is also a quiet room for relatives to sit with their families.
Residents can bring their own furniture if they wish. There is a TV in every room and a nurse call station.
The home is wheelchair friendly and provides a lift to access the upper floors.
Kitchen Facilities
The kitchen is managed by the cook and the facilities are built to the standards laid down by the Environmental Heath Department. These facilities are not accessible to residents owing to Health & Safety and Food Hygiene Regulations. Residents can avail themselves of drinks and snacks at most times by requesting these from care staff.
Laundry is undertaken at the Home within the normal fees for service. Dry cleaning can be provided at at cost plus service charge and can be arranged through the home manager.
Our Home has a dedicated residents telephone. All phones are portable and can be taken to residents rooms at any time.
Residents are also free to use a personal mobile phone within the home.
Local Amenities
The Home is situated only 300 meters away from Upton Village where there are shops, banks, pubs, newsagents and a Post Office. Upton Library is just across the road. There is also a bus stop immediately outside the home, en route to Birkenhead and Arrowe Park.